Find a UTPB Expert
UTPB experts are available to speak on a variety of topics including Oil and Gas Production, Border Issues, Higher Education, Economics, Artificial Intelligence, and more.
Interested in speaking with one of our experts? Email: communications@utpb.edu
Dr. Sandra Woodley
Topics: access to higher education, expertise as president
Dr. Becky Spurlock
Senior Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Topics: direct admissions, Falcon Free, higher education, student experience
Dr. Raj Dakshinamurthy
Provost, Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs
Topics: research, biomedical sciences
Dr. Brian Shedd
Executive Director for Innovation & Commercialization
Topics: innovation in the Permian Basin
Tatum Hubbard
Chief of Staff, Vice President of Marketing & Communications
Topics: Falcon Free, general University information
Dr. Miles Henderson
Assistant Professor of Sedimentology and Interim Chair
Topics: seismic activity, geosciences
Dr. Steven Beach
Dean, College of Business
Topics: finance, economics, recession
Bradley Shook
Vice President of Information Technology Services
Topics: virtual student experience, gamification of courses, augmented reality, artificial intelligence
Dr. William Harlow
Professor, Communications Department Chair
Topics: border issues
Dr. Scott Lapinski
Financial Aid Director
Topics: FAFSA, financial aid
Clark Moreland
Lecturer of English, Director Heimmermann Center for Engaged Teaching
Topics: student experience, faculty professional development
Megan Baeza
Director of Internships and Employer Relations
Topics: career readiness, employer relations
Dr. Kevin Badgett
Chair of Department of Counseling, Bilingual Education and Educational Leadership, Professor and Program Co-coordinator Educational Leadership Masters Program
Topics: teacher retention
Dr. Robert Trentham
Senior Lecturer and Research Associate, Department of Geosciences
Topics: oil and gas production
Dr. George Nnanna
Professor, College of Engineering
Topics: produced water
Dr. Jake Lee
Geophysicist, Department of Geosciences
Topics: geophysics, seismology, oil and gas, and carbon capture storage