Media Relations
As a public, state-funded institution, The University of Texas Permian Basin strives to share relevant information with internal and external audiences. Therefore, it is imperative that we provide University information that is both accurate and consistent to avoid misunderstanding, misinterpretation, or confusion.
To achieve this accuracy and consistency, the Communications and Marketing team has implemented the following policies and procedures that must be followed by all University stakeholders:
For external media
- The primary University contact for media is Alexa Dunson, Director of Strategic Communications. She can be reached at (432)552-2541. In her absence, another member of the Communications and Marketing office will be appointed.
- The Director of Strategic Communications will assist with all University media inquiries and coordinate all interview requests.
Requests can be sent to:
Alexa Dunson
Director of Strategic Communications
Tatum Hubbard
Chief of Staff/Executive Director of Communications and Marketing
UT Permian Basin Communications and Marketing
- We understand that most media requests have a hard deadline and our team works hard to meet media requests in a timely manner. However, we ask the media to understand and respect that there are times it could take time to set up an interview on a specific topic – please plan accordingly.
- All media should have an escort from the Communications and Marketing team while on campus. Please check-in with our team.
- No faculty nor staff member may make official statements on behalf of the University without consultation with or authorization from, Communications and Marketing.
News Releases
- All University press releases are distributed by Communications and Marketing unless special authorization is granted.
- Press releases written by other members of the University must be reviewed, approved, and distributed by Communications Marketing.
- If you want to learn more about what’s going on at UT Permian Basin, visit our official news page.
Using the University Name
- Our full, official name is The University of Texas Permian Basin. Use the full name on first reference and in all formal mentions. On second reference and formal abbreviations, use UT Permian Basin.
- The abbreviation UTPB should only be used in the most informal sense as a third option after the full name and formal abbreviation have been used.
- When referencing The University, “The” and “University” should always be capitalized.
University Logos
- Our logo is a symbol of our pride and the most visible representation of who we are. In a sense, it’s our face, so it’s important for us to uphold the design so that it remains the same in all materials. The University of Texas Permian Basin logo is a combination of a wordmark and the Falcon shield.
Horizontal Logo Vertical Logo
Community Filming
- The University’s wide-open spaces and outdoor events have opened the opportunity for drone filming. While it is welcomed, there are state regulations that drone-operators must abide by before filming on campus.
- Drone operators who plan to film campus must get authorization from the Communications and Marketing team.
- The University requires all drone operators to obtain a Certificate of Authorization from the FAA before flying the drone on campus.
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