Welcome to Office of Purchasing
The primary function of the Purchasing Division of The University of Texas Permian Basin is to purchase the supplies, equipment, and services required for The University's many activities. Purchasing is a service function, and its principal contribution to the education program lies in the ability of its personnel to provide the needs of the institution efficiently and at the lowest possible cost.
The Purchasing Division is delegated as the sole authority to obligate institutional funds for purchases of supplies, materials, services, and equipment unless otherwise provided in Regents' Rules and Regulation or otherwise specifically approved by the President of U.T. Permian Basin, the appropriate Executive Vice Chancellor and the Chancellor or by the Board.
No liability can be assumed for payment of obligations except those incurred in accordance with authority thus granted (Regents' Rules and Regulations, Part Two, Chapter IV, Section 1.)
What does Purchasing do?
- Handles Procurement Card Program
- Handles Historically Underutilized Business Program and Reporting
- Reviews ALL Contracts
- Handles ALL Purchasing
Purchase and Contract Transparency Report
Payment Works Vendor Management