Human Subjects Research Forms
Forms, Consent Templates, & Recruitment Materials
The forms, templates, and recruitment information on this page will help you prepare your protocol and submit your research study to UTPB's IRB for review.
Application Forms
For projects involving and interactions with human subjects.
Previously Collected Data/Specimens Protocol
Use this document instead of the Human Research Protocol when you are only requesting approval for retrospective data analysis.
When you need to make changes to a study that has already been approved.
Consent Templates
Use this form when participants will sign their name to verify consent for a project and investigators provide a copy of the consent form to participants.
Use this form when participants cannot legally sign consent themselves (e.g., research involving children or individuals with cognitive impairments).
For use with children or other participants for whom the ability to give informed consent may be otherwise compromised. Make sure to include a prototype script of this procedure with the IRB application.