Healthcare Management Minor
The minor in Healthcare Management will provide knowledge in the unique business environment of the healthcare industry.
Minor Requirements
- A Minor in Healthcare Management consists of 18 semester credit hours, 9 of which must be at the upper level. Complete four (12sch) of the following
- ACCT 4334: Accounting in Healthcare
- MNGT 4331: Healthcare Management
- ACCT 3334/MNGT 3334: Healthcare Management Information Systems
- FINA 4333: Healthcare Finance; requires a statistics course as prerequisite
- MRKT 4335: Healthcare Marketing; requires an addition prerequisite of MRKT 3330
- MNGT 4336: Legal Environment of Health Care
- MNGT 4337: Quality Improvement in Health Care
- Students are required to complete ACCT 2301, MNGT 3310 level business course. These courses require a statistics course as prerequisite.
To declare a Healthcare Managment Minor, obtain advice, or seek approval of substitutions for course requirements, students should consult their academic advisor.