students walking around campus

Drops & Withdrawals

A Drop is defined as dropping one or more courses while remaining enrolled in other courses. A drop is always a 100% refund (drops are never prorated) if it is done before creating an academic record. There will be NO REFUND for dropped courses after the last day to drop a course with a refund as listed in the appropriate academic calendar. You are considered dropping a course only if you are still enrolled in at least one course at UTPB after you drop.

A Withdrawal is defined as dropping ALL courses. Students who withdraw are responsible for requesting refunds for housing and meal plan payments. These items are not automatically credited back to students upon withdrawal. Students must contact Student Housing once they withdraw in order to be considered for a refund for these fees. The below refund schedule outlines the prorated refund you will receive if you withdraw after the first day of class.

Be sure to discuss your intention to drop with you academic advisor and a financial aid counselor prior to dropping from a class. It is important for you to understand how dropping may affect you in the current and future semesters. You should also consult the academic calendar to determine the drop refund deadline. All drops and withdrawals must be initiated by the student through their student portal. 

Summer 2024 Refund Schedule

Fall 2024 Refund Schedule

Spring 2025 Refund Schedule