Insurance Process for Study Abroad
Blanket Study Abroad FAQs
- What is the UT System Blanket Study Abroad Insurance Program?
In order to protect all students traveling abroad, The University of Texas System has created a blanket insurance program. All United States citizens, permanent residents of the United States or international students in the United States who are enrolled as students at the University and travelling abroad on a UT System institution study abroad or related educational activity outside his/her Home Country, including co-curricular and extra-curricular activities done in relation to their scholastic program while outside of the United States and their Home Country are covered by this program.
All students are automatically enrolled by registering their trip information with On Call International (On Call) and must have this insurance as a requirement of studying abroad on a UT Sponsored program. ALL students traveling internationally on a university-sponsored trip are required to register with On Call prior to travel. It is imperative all students take this step to ensure coverage is seamless.
To register your trip with On Call, simply forward your flight itinerary confirmation email to trips@oncallinternational.com. Please note the following:
- If you are not using your .edu email address to send the email, ensure you include that you are with UT Permian Basin in the email
- If you know where you are staying, you can include the full address of your accommodations in the email along with your flight. As an alternative, you can include the address of where you’ll be spending most of your time.
- Include your US mobile phone number
When On Call receives your trip information, it will be entered in their Travel Monitoring platform, which is powered by OnSolve:
- Dependent upon the risk rating of your destination, you may receive a pre-travel advisory email with standing health and safety advice
- You will be registered to receive critical incident alerts via email if any are issued for your destination shortly before your trip, or while you are traveling.
- You will be registered to use the OnSolve Risk Intelligence application and receive an emailed invitation to download it. In order to optimize usage of the app, use the recommended settings found in the Mobile App User Guide
- Emails will deliver from OCI Alerts with an @stabilitas.io or @onsolve.com email domain, we suggest you take a moment to mark these as safe senders
- What is the weekly premium for this program?
At this time, the UTPB Business Affairs office has elected not to pass these costs on to students. However; this could change in the future.
- Where can we find the brochure, ID card and claim form?
Ensure you always have access to On Call contact and plan information in the easiest place to get it - on your phone. Click Plan ID from your mobile device and follow single prompt to save to the home screen of your phone.
This is not an app and does not require any login or personal details. Opening the Plan ID from your mobile device will allow you to click-to-dial On Call, open a 24/7 Live Chat link and access other plan documents such as the full plan description and tele-counseling information.
You can also log into the On Call Plan Information Portal with the UT Group ID 100143CPPD21 to learn more about the services and benefits available to you, gain access to pre-trip resources, find claim forms, and access the Global Risk Intelligence site for country specific health, safety and cultural information and advice.
- Will On Call provide the insurance company student names and coverage period dates?
On Call is the 24/7 assistance provider, but is also the claims administrator for the insurance company. This means On Call does not need get information regarding coverage from the insurance, they administer all services and benefits included in the program.
- Will the insurance company provide coverage to those students for the period received from On Call?
The student is covered for the dates they are on official travel related to UT System institution study abroad or related educational activity outside his/her Home Country, including co-curricular and extra-curricular activities done in relation to their scholastic program while outside of the United States and their Home Country.
Please note there is a 2-week personal deviation on either side of the travel dates during which these students will be covered by our policy as well. If your students are planning to travel for a more extended period, they should arrange for insurance coverage individually.
- How are Institutions going to collect the premium?
Each institution will decide how to allocate any premiums to students at its discretion.
- Are all students required to have this insurance even when travelling with study abroad companies that also provide insurance as part of the package?
Yes. All students traveling abroad will be covered by our blanket policy.
- Will faculty/staff who travel on international university sponsored business be required to purchase insurance or will they be automatically covered?
- Faculty and Staff have an On Call program that has all of the same benefits as the student plan, with exception of international medical expenses. Visit the UT System Office of Risk Management page for On Call for additional information.
For coverage for medical expenses, Faculty and Staff may be eligible for Foreign Voluntary Workers' Compensation insurance or UT System health insurance coverage through BCBSTX. BCBSTX has agreed to a direct billing arrangement with On Call where they do not charge copays or deductibles regardless of in- or out- of network, if care is medically emergent/necessary and otherwise covered. (Please note, this does not include routine medical procedures.) If On Call is not called first, or for non-emergent treatment, regular UT SELECT Medical benefits will apply.
If an employee travels and does not have UT Select, they will need to check with their insurer to determine if out of country benefits are available.
- We have a professor who will be taking a group of students abroad this summer. The course is not approved for academic credit; however, the trip is being promoted through the University. Travelers might include staff, faculty, students and maybe some community members. Would all of the above be required to purchase the insurance
Students would be covered by this policy. Faculty would be covered to the extent of (11) above.
Community members (unless they are enrolled as a student) and travel companions will need to purchase their own coverage. Purchase a personal insurance policy that includes medical coverage such as a WorldTrips policy, which is a sister company of On Call.
- Students travelling in their home country or country of citizenship are not eligible for coverage?
Home Country as defined by this policy is the United States, or the country as declared by the student. If a student traveling to their country of citizenship is a student of one of our Institutions, they are covered by this blanket policy and they can declare their "home country" as the USA should they choose.
We will not medically evacuate students from their home country should they choose not to be evacuated.
- Are non-credit bearing activities included and eligible for coverage (examples: athletic teams, Engineers Without Borders etc.)?
If you are unsure of a specific situation please contact Sarah Pekar at UT System at spekar@utsystem.edu.
- How is a "study abroad program sponsored by the Participating Organization" defined?
"Participating Organization" is UT System and all UT Institutions. Study abroad program includes any education activity undertaken outside of the US even those programs not specifically name "study abroad program." If you are unsure of a specific situation please contact Sarah Pekar at UT System at spekar@utsystem.edu.
- Are students in third-party provider programs or direct enroll programs eligible
Yes. They are eligible and covered under the Blanket Study Abroad Program.
- What is the definition of a student?
Please see response to Q1.
- How will students be enrolled in coverage?
All students are automatically enrolled by registering their trip with On Call and ALL students traveling internationally on a university-sponsored trip are required to register with On Call prior to travel. It is imperative all students take this step to ensure coverage is seamless. To register trips, see response to Q1.
- How are the days and dates of coverage defined or determined?
The dates should be defined according to the dates the student is traveling for the official educational purposes, with a 2 week allowable personal deviation before and after the official travel dates.
- How is personal travel within the program dates (example: free weekend in the middle of a program) handled?
If they are within the official program dates personal travel is covered.
- What is "Personal Deviation Limited"?
2 weeks before and after the official educational purpose travel dates.
- Do students need to go to enroll themselves in the Study Abroad Insurance Plan for overseas travel?
No. They should register their trip with On Call to enroll.
- How are claims going to be handled that did not or do not involve On Call?
Any claims which did not go through On Call should be submitted to On Call for consideration.
Students are strongly encouraged to go through On Call for any assistance.
Please see contact information below.
- Who do I contact?
To inquire about benefits, arrange coverage, or arrange emergency assistance services please contact On Call.
Global Response Center: For 24/7 assistance when you are outside of the US:
Dedicated UT System Line
+1 978-651-9722
24/7 Live Chat: www.oncallinternational.com/chat/direct
Email: mail@oncallinternational.com
Text only number: 603-945-0103
To file claims or follow up on claims submitted by the student:
Claims can be submitted for reimbursement consideration by completing the appropriate claim form and submitting it with required documentation to tpaclaims@oncallinternational.com.
Visit the On Call Plan Information Portal with the UT Group ID 100143CPPD21 to find claim forms.
To reach Customer Service for general benefit inquiries or registration questions:
Call toll-free from the U.S. or Canada:
+1 855-878-9590
Customer Service is available Monday – Friday, 8:30 – 5:00 PM EST.