UT Permian Basin is proud to recognize its newest graduates. More than 150 students will walk across the stage at the Wagner Noel Performing Arts Center Friday night to receive their diploma in the University’s 2018 summer commencement ceremony.
Students completed degrees across all fields of discipline. New graduates from as far away as Central Africa and the Northern Mariana Islands, near Guam in the Western Pacific, will walk the stage to receive their baccalaureate and master’s degrees.
“We are so proud of each and every one of our students who put in the hard work to earn their degrees,” UT Permian Basin President Dr. Sandra Woodley said. “It is always so exciting to see a student complete a goal they set for themselves. We can’t wait to see where their journey takes them next.”
UT Permian Basin’s summer commencement ceremony will begin at 7 pm inside the Wagner Noel Performing Arts Center.
Media Contact:
Tatum Guinn
Communications Manager