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- Get Ready for First-Ever Presidential Investiture

On Monday, November 5, the University will host its first-ever Investiture celebration.
Simply put, an Investiture is the formal inauguration ceremony of a new president. The event is steeped in tradition and many universities view it as an opportunity to welcome a new era and celebrate as a community. It includes an academic procession of delegates from other colleges and universities as well as the institution’s own faculty. Marchers wear the colorful academic regalia of their own institution. The event also includes musical selections and performances by student groups including the band, choir, orchestra, cheerleaders, and Ballet Folklorico dancers. We also welcome Chancellor James Milliken and representatives of UT System to commemorate this historic day.
Another defining moment of an Investiture is the president’s opportunity to share her vision for the institution and its impact on the community. Over the past year, the University has engaged students, faculty, staff, and community members to collect their ideas and feedback. That information was used to create a new strategic plan which outlines the goals and strategies for the next ten years. The process also inspired new mission and vision statements along with a set of core values and, perhaps the most exciting part, five pillars that outline the University’s core commitments. Dr. Woodley will share this information during the Investiture Ceremony.
Since our humble beginnings in 1973 as two-year, upper-level university open to juniors and seniors and a campus made up of trailers and temporary buildings, we’ve evolved into a modern, full-service institution.
“We have come a long way from where we started,” Dr. Woodley said. “But we’re just getting started. We want to leave a lasting legacy in our community and be the solution that helps the Permian Basin reach its greatest potential.”
You are invited to join us for the Investiture