Months of hard work and dedication comes down to one week – finals week. It’s easy to understand that the week can be a recipe for stress, but it doesn’t have to be. Time.com put together a few ways to manage the
stress and pass finals with flying colors.
- Verify the details. Know where and when each final will be. Just because your class is at 10 am on Tuesday doesn’t mean your final will be. Double check when your finals are and where it will be held. Scrambling to find that information on the day of an exam will only increase nerves and stress.
- Get some sleep. Late night study sessions and last minute cramming seems to be a staple with finals week, but that could actually cause more harm than good. Experts tell Time.com that fatigued brains do not retain information nor do they recall it well. Keeping a regular sleep schedule during finals is one of the keys to success.
- Stay active. It may not be realistic to fit in a full workout the week of finals, but try to make time for a short walk in between study sessions. It’s important to keep your blood flowing during this critical potion of the semester.
- Eat well. It’s tempting to grab whatever is convenient while prepping for your exams, but sugar and processed carbohydrates will leave you tired. Reach for lean protein, whole grains and fresh veggies instead.
- Experiment with different methods of studying. Don’t study for each test the same way and switch it up each study session. Research shows that human brains are not designed to focus narrowly for long stretches of time.
- Silence social media accounts. Easier said than done, but you need to be able to focus. Turning off social media for a week may not be realistic, but consider using it as a reward. Check your favorite platforms for 10-15 minutes in between studying.
Set aside your worries and nerves and remember to stay on task, work hard, eat right and get rest! Good luck on your finals!