UTPB College of Nursing Students Step-Up to Fight COVID-19
The University of Texas Permian Basin College of Nursing is helping stop the spread of COVID19 in West Texas. Starting Thursday, April 9, 22 students will begin training with the Ector County Health Department. Students will soon be calling people who might have come in contact with someone who tested positive for the Coronavirus, tracking the illness, and guiding them on the next steps to take.
“As the Dean, I am extremely proud that our students and faculty are both willing and excited to provide their assistance during this community crisis. We believe serving the citizens of the Permian Basin is a privilege and part of our calling as nurses and future nurses,” said Donna Beuk, UTPB College of Nursing Dean.
The College of Nursing volunteered to assist after a call for help from Ector County. After the 22 fourth semester students are trained, 17 third semester students will follow suit. The students are ready to do what they can to help our community stay healthy and Beuk credits her teaching team for the success of this project.
“I am so honored to work alongside Dr. Minerva Gonzales and Dr. Diana Ruiz on this critical project for our community. These two leaders in the College of Nursing are dedicated to the health and welfare of our community.”
UT Permian Basin is committed to giving back to West Texas during these uncertain times. The safety, health, and well-being of the community remains a top priority for UTPB.