Fall 2020: What to expect as we welcome students back
The University of Texas Permian Basin will welcome students back to campus
this fall. Although the semester ahead will look different, we are committed to providing a
quality education and a collegiate experience, while minimizing the risks associated with
The academic semester dates remain the same. Classes will begin on August 24 and will
continue through December 11. However, after the Thanksgiving break, students will not be
required to return to campus. The remainder of the semester will be held virtually.
Students will have flexibility in choosing their mode of instruction. Both on-campus, face-to-face and online learning will be offered. In a hybrid setting, some days students will report to the classroom and other days their instruction will be online. This structure will promote social distancing and maintain small numbers in the classroom. Faculty members will determine which students will come to the classroom on certain days and which students will be online.
“We are determined to navigate COVID-19 challenges in a way that is responsible and
continues to provide our students with the highest quality educational experience,” said UT
Permian Basin President, Dr. Sandra Woodley.
On-campus housing will also look different this fall. The occupancy standard will be one
student per bedroom and two students per bathroom. To reduce student interaction, Residence Life staff will assign roommates based on shared characteristics such as by athletic teams or academic discipline. Move-in will be extended over several days to allow social distancing. There will be self-isolation spaces on campus should a student become ill, however, we will encourage anyone who gets sick to leave campus if feasible.
Dining will still be offered to students by Chartwells, the University’s contracted
provider, when they come back this fall. All on-campus dining locations will be open to provide additional options. This includes the Residence and Dining Hall (with limited capacity), the Student Activity Center, and the Mesa Café. Extended hours will be available to serve as many students as possible while minimizing risk. There will be no self-serving and take-out will be available.
Below is a summary of guidelines the University will follow for fall 2020:
For Students and faculty:
- UTPB will offer a full selection of courses for Summer II and fall 2020.
- On campus face-to-face classes will be offered but with some safety modifications.
- Dates for the fall semester remain the same: students will begin classes on August 24th and instruction will continue through December 11th.
- Students will not be required to return to campus after the Thanksgiving break; the details for taking finals will be determined by faculty.(All instruction after Thanksgiving will be virtual.)
- Remote provisions will be made for students to complete face-to-face courses if during the semester they find they are unable to come to campus.
- Faculty members also have the option to offer face-to-face courses online if needed.
- Student life will open registration for on-campus housing soon and some COVID-19 related modifications and protocols will be in place for the Fall.
For Staff:
- Staff will begin a phased return to campus on July 6th. Implementation will include
staggered arrivals and departures, alternating days and times, and some continued remote
For all Falcons:
- If you are sick, stay home.
- Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer often.
- If you wish to request an accommodation due to COVID-19 risk, please contact your
supervisor or instructor. - Be respectful and maintain at least six feet of social distance.
- Face coverings are required in University buildings, with a few exceptions.
- Elevators should be prioritized for those with mobility limitations and masks are
required to use the elevators. - Cleaning and sanitizing will remain a top priority for our UTPB facilities and
maintenance teams.
For a complete list of UT Permian Basin's guidelines click here.