The Advanced Manufacturing Center (AMC) is a university laboratory with a variety of manufacturing equipment that is open to the campus community as well as outside individuals and companies. The AMC occupies 1900 square feet and is located at the Center for Energy and Economic Diversification on the Midland campus of UTPB.
AMC Mission Objectives
Hands-on Manufacturing Experiences for Students
Manufacturing and Safety Training for Companies
Manufacturing, Prototyping, Designing, and Testing of Custom Parts
Collaborative Research Activities
AMC Equipment
Equipment Rates
The Advanced Manufacturing Center is open to companies and individuals. Check out our hourly rates for equipment and labor.CNC Router Table
- Laguna Swift CNC Table Mill
- Work Space of 5' x 10'
- 3HP Liquid Cooled Spindle
- 6,000-24,000 RPM
Material Characterization and Testing
- Instron 68TM-50 Universal Testing Machine
- Tensile and Compression Testing
- Up to 50 kN
- Temperature Chamber
- Instron E20000 Dynamic Test Instrument
- Cyclic Fatigue Testing
- Up to 20 kN
- Temperature Chamber
- AFM Workshop Atomic Force Microscope
3D Filament Printers
- Ultimaker S5
- Plastic System
- Build Volume 330*220*180mm
- Markforged Mark 2
- Fiber and Plastic System
- Build Volume 320 x 132 x 154mm
- Markforged Onyx One
- Fiber and Plastic System
- Build Volume 320 x 132 x 154mm
- Markforged X7
- Fiber and Plastic System
- Build Volume 330 x 270 x 200mm
- Creality CR-30 (x2)
- Infinite z-axis via conveyor belt
- Build Volume 200 x 170 x ∞ mm
3D Resin Printers
- AnyCubic Photon M3 Max
- Resin System
- 47-Micron Accuracy
- Build Volume 298 x 164 x 300mm
- Wash and Cure Max
- AnyCubic Photon Mono M5
- Resin System
- 19-Micron Accuracy
- Build Volume 123 x 218 x 200 mm
- Wash and Cure Plus