Graduate Teaching Assistantships
The English GTA program at UTPB offers invaluable experience and instruction in the classroom, as well as the benefit of working with seasoned professionals in the field. I cannot imagine a better program for aspiring English scholars. It was a perfect fit for me.
Clark Moreland, M.A.
Class of 2005
M.A. students in the English Department may have the unique opportunity to serve as a Graduate Assistant (GA) and Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA). You do not have to serve as a GTA to be a student in the program; however, if you are interested in this opportunity, you must commit to enrolling in 9 hours per semester, and meet certain qualifications. Here are the details:
- GAs are assigned to an individual faculty member to assist with her or his research and teaching.
- GTAs are instructors of record in a section of English Composition (ENGL 1301 or ENGL 1302).
- Earn a stipend
- GAs earn up to $10,000 / academic year
- GTAs earn up to $12,000 / academic year
- An out-of-state tuition waiver is available, if applicable
- Gain valuable experience teaching at a university
- Develop close working relationships with faculty
Pending budget, students may have a teaching assistantship up to four semesters. Although the appointment is made for a full academic year, GAs and GTAs are subject to evaluation each semester. To be awarded a third semester of assistantship, a GTA must have completed at least 18 hours by the beginning of the third semester.
The English Department selects GAs and GTAs on the basis of academic record and experience. Qualified applicants must be accepted into the English graduate program on a regular or provisional status. During their employment, Graduate Teaching Assistants must maintain satisfactory progress toward their degree and a graduate GPA of at least 3.0.
If you are interested in becoming a GA or GTA in the English program, indicate on your statement of purpose letter, detailed above, your interest and qualifications.
- For Summer and Fall admission, completed applications must be received by April 15.
- For Spring admission, applications must be received by November 1.
- If you would like to be considered for a GTA appointment, your completed application must be received by February 15 for the fall semester.
More about Graduate Assistantships
You can find the Graduate Assistantship Application, eligibility requirements, more information about responsibilities, benefits, and how to apply.
Graduate Assistantship Information