Start Your Application
New Freshman
High-school senior or 0-23 semester hours of college-level work since high-school graduation or receiving your GED.
Transfer Student
24 or more college semester hours since graduating from high school or receiving your GED.
International Student
Not a U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident.
International Graduate Student
Not a U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident with a bachelor's degree.
Graduate Student
Have completed (or are about to complete) a bachelor’s degree and seeking a master’s degree or post-baccalaureate certification from UT Permian Basin.
Do you know which application to fill out? Students attending Texas higher education institutions can apply for FAFSA or TASFA - but not both.
Undergraduate Returning Student
A student who enrolled at UT Permian Basin as a degree seeking student, but has been absent for 3 semesters (1 year) or more must re-apply for any future semester.
Dual Credit
High-school student wanting to earn college credit.
Audit Applicant
Want to enroll in classes for non-credit.
Plan to attend for only one (1) semester.

Graduating Debt Free: One Student’s Story
Samantha Serrano is on track to graduate from UT Permian Basin with no debt
Read Sam's Story