Q: How will taking all of my classes online impact my financial aid?
A: Financial aid eligibility is not impacted by the location of classes.
Q: When will my awards disburse?
A: Information about disbursements, payment and refunds can be found on our disbursement page.
Q: Can my current financial aid pay for a balance I still owe from the summer or last spring?
A: Federal regulations prohibit the release of funds to your student account when a balance over $200 from any previous academic year is present. Financial aid awarded to you will not be disbursed to your student account until the outstanding balance is resolved. Do not delay in resolving this issue so that we may deliver your financial aid to you in a timely manner.
Q: There has been a change in my household and/or income. How can I update my Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)?
A: After you submit your FAFSA, all changes should be facilitated through our office. The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships can take special circumstances into consideration as decisions are begin made about financial aid award packages.
Q: When should I complete the FAFSA?
A: A new FAFSA application is required each academic year. This form is normally available each October 1st and is used for the next academic year. Due to the FAFSA simplification, the 2025-2026 FAFSA opens December 1, 2024. Other forms pertinent to your situation (i.e. Hazlewood, Special Circumstance, Scholarships, etc.) must be re-submitted annually as well.
Q: How do I apply for financial aid?
A: Please visit our how to apply page for detailed information.
Q: How much does it cost to attend UTPB?
A: Please visit our costs page for more information.
Q: How do I check on my financial aid awards?
A: Award information will be posted on MYUTPB. Please visit our how to accept your financial aid page for more information.
Q: What is financial need?
A: Financial need is determined by a simple formula: Student’s Cost of Attendance (budget) – Student Aid Index (SAI) = Financial Need
Your established financial need is used to determine what financial aid you are eligible to receive. Grants, work-study, and subsidized loans require that students demonstrate financial need, while unsubsidized loans and PLUS loans do not.
Q: What is a Federal Student Summary(FSS)?
A: The FSS summarizes the information included in your FAFSA. To request a duplicate copy of a FSS, call 1-800-433-3243.
Q: Why was my aid cancelled?
A: Financial aid can be cancelled because of a request from you or because your eligibility changed.
Q: When will my financial aid disburse?
A: Most fall/spring financial aid will disburse ten days prior to the first day of classes. After the semester starts, we disburse aid daily. Once your financial aid and scholarships disburse, the funds will pay your tuition and fee bill and any on-campus housing charges before a refund is released to you.
Q: What is the difference between a disbursement and a financial aid refund?
A: A disbursement is when your financial aid is transferred to Student Accounting to pay your bill. A refund is any aid that exceeds your bill and is released to you.
Q: How do I apply my Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan to my bill?
A: Students need to submit a Texas Guaranteed Tuition request form with supporting documents every semester. The request form is found in our library.
Q: What is the difference between a dependent and independent student?
A: Your dependency status is determined by your answers to the dependency status questions on the FAFSA. This can change from year to year depending on your responses. For more information visit the Department of Ed’s Website.