Group Study Room Policy
The group study rooms at the J. Conrad Dunagan Library are available to UTPB students to support their academic endeavors. The group study rooms may be used for group projects, study groups, or discussion groups.
Eligible borrowers
- Currently enrolled UTPB students.
- Borrowers may not have overdue books, or more than $25 in fines or fees at the time of checkout.
Availability and time limits
Group study rooms are available on a first-come first-served basis while the Library Service Desk is open. Students may check out a key to a study room for an initial period of 2 hours. Students are allowed continued use of the study room as long as no other students are on the waitlist and renewal policies are followed every 2 hours. Students must bring the key to the Library Services Desk to renew the room every 2 hours.
Terms of use
- Group study rooms are checked out at the Library Services Desk. One student in the group must be responsible for checking out the room.
- At least 2 students must be present in order to check out a group study room.
- To facilitate student access to the study rooms, a group is allowed continued use of the room as long as no other students are on the waitlist and renewal policies are followed every 2 hours.
- Most of the group study rooms hold a maximum of 6 people. There are 2 larger rooms which hold 12 and 14 people respectively. In order to check out a large room, students must have at least six/seven people in the group. Room capacities cannot be exceeded.
- A single student may request a Group Study Carrel.
- The group study room must be locked at all times. The room must be left neat and tidy. The key must be returned to the Library Services Desk.
- No food is allowed in the group study rooms. Students must be considerate of others and keep the noise level down.
- Nothing can be placed on the door that obscures the view into the room. The walls must be kept free of nails, tacks, tape, or any other methods of affixing objects.
- All study room keys must remain in the library.
- Abuse of rules may result in suspension or loss of study room privileges.
Fines and replacement charges
Group study rooms keys checked out must be renewed or returned by the borrower on or before the due date and time in order to avoid fines.
- Overdue fines are billed at $0.25 per hour.
- Lost keys are billed at $5 per key plus a $20 charge for replacing the core.