Reserves Policy
Reserves is a collection of often-used resources that have been selected by the faculty. These resources usually have very limited loan periods. In order that all patrons have ample opportunity to use these resources, reserve items cannot be renewed or immediately rechecked-out.
A Reserve Request Form must be completed for each item. The form must be signed in blue ink. The reserve item and accompanying form should be turned in at the Library Services desk. The library staff person receiving these must confirm that the form has been completely and properly filled out and then s/he dates and initials the form.
Items are put on Reserve on a first-come-first-processed (ASAP) basis. Faculty are encouraged to begin the process before the term starts.
The Library cannot photocopy items for faculty. The Library cannot place on reserve any material that belongs to other institutions/libraries. The Library is not responsible for the loss or damage of personal items placed on Reserve.
Reserve items are kept for one semester only. If a faculty member wishes to use the items for the next semester a new Reserve Request Form must be filled out for that semester.