Graduate Study Carrel Policy and Guidelines
The J. Conrad Dunagan Library provides access to study carrels to UTPB graduate students. Study carrels are designed to facilitate research and to provide a quiet atmosphere for studying. Graduate students are expected to set an example for excellent library decorum.
- Only current graduate students of the University of Texas of the Permian Basin may obtain a study carrel.
- Library carrel privileges are non-transferable. No other students, friends, or family members are allowed in student’s assigned carrel.
- Carrels are not to be used as a meeting/conference/tutoring space. Carrels are a shared working environment dedicated to the enhancement of concentrated research and scholarship. Only one person is permitted in a carrel at a time.
- Students may keep circulating materials in their study carrel if the materials have been properly checked-out to them at the Library Services Desk. Library staff will remove any library materials that have not been checked-out or that are part of the non-circulating collections (periodicals, reference items, newspapers, etc.).
- The carrel assigned to an individual is covered by the library’s confidentiality policy. Messages will not be delivered to carrels and under no circumstances staff will disclose a carrel number to anyone.
- Library carrels are not soundproof. Please be considerate of others and keep voices low. Set cell phones to vibrate and keep the door closed at all times.
- The library is not responsible for the loss of anything kept in room LL230. Confidential or sensitive material should never be placed or left in the carrel and the door should be locked at all times.
- The library does not provide office supplies (paper, ink, markers, etc.).
- Prohibited items: food, coffee pots, hot plates, heaters, and other equipment of this nature.
- Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the library.
- Study carrels have been furnished and equipped for students. No furniture is to be moved into or out of the room. The door and walls must be kept free of nails, tape, or any other methods of affixing objects. Nothing may be affixed to the glass in the door.
- If a student loses a key, a charge of $300 will be posted on their account ($200 to replace 8 keys and $100 to rekey room LL230).
The library reserves the right to revoke carrel privileges when these policies and guidelines are not followed.
The Access Services Department coordinates all graduate study carrels and any questions or concerns should be referred to the Access Services Manager who can be reached by phone at (432) 552-2370 or by email at libraryservices@utpb.edu.