sunset over the quad

UTPB & You

Powering our Energy Workforce

The Permian Basin is one of the fastest-growing, economically invigorated regions of the country—full of industry, culture, and wide-open spaces. At the academic heart of this revitalized area sits The University of Texas Permian Basin—which, every year, delivers smart, savvy leaders into the communities of the Basin and across the U.S. Just to the east and west, Odessa College and Midland College play a significant role in providing a skilled labor force. Together, these three institutions are committed to filling workforce gaps and innovating for the future.

Your Plan. Our Promise.

Want to further your degree? Impact the next generation of energy industry employees? We're here to help!

Nolan Hines Engineering Student“I feel really confident coming out of UTPB as an engineer, I think every one of my professors knows me by my first name. I can have conversations with any of them whether it’s about school or not.” Nolan Hines, College of Engineering Graduate

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