
Computer Science Bachelor's Degree with Data Science Track

Bachelor of Science (BS) in Computer Science with Data Science Track

The Data Science Track is designed for students interested in technology, statistics, and quantitative modeling. This track will emphasize the fundamental techniques and tools used to design and analyze large volumes of data. A special focus will be on the development of skills necessary to solve crucial data-driven business problems.

Total required credits: 120 Credits

  • General Education Core: 42 SCH
  • Major Requirements: 25 SCH

COSC 1430: Intro Computer Science I (4 credits)
COSC 2430: Intro Computer Science II (4 credits)
COSC 2420: C Programming (4 credits)
COSC 3310: Computer Organization (3 credits)
COSC 3312: Discrete Mathematics (3 credits)
COSC 3315: Information Systems (3 credits)
COSC 3420: Data Structure (4 credits)

  • Data Science Track Electives: 13 SCH

COSC 4415: Database Systems (4 credits)
COSC 4385: Data Science (3 credits)
COSC 4386: Big Data Analytics (3 credits)
COSC 4395: Research in Data Science (3 credits)

  • Mathematics Requirements: 20 SCH

MATH 1342: Elementary Statistics (3 credits)
MATH 2413: Calculus I (4 credits)
MATH 2414: Calculus II  (4 credits)
MATH 3301: Statistics (3 credits)
MATH 3305: Math Reasoning (3 credits)
MATH 3310: Linear Algebra (3 credits)

  • Capstone Course: 3 SCH

NTSC 4311: His & Phi Science (3 credits)

  • Freshman Seminar: 1 SCH

UNIV 1101: Freshman Seminar (1 credit)

  • General Electives 16 SCH: Courses that support the student’s specific interests, in consultation with the student’s faculty advisor.