Student receiving tutoring while working math problem on a white board

Minor in Statistics

Lab sciences, social sciences and (to a lesser amount) humanties each have corners which Statistics can be exploited.  A Minor in Statistics shows potential thesis advisors and employers that the degree holder can pursue quantitative niches of his or her major.

Statistics Minor Required Courses

Students minoring in Statistics must have at least nine credit hours at the upper level and at least 20 credit hours total, as minor electives.  Students must complete the following courses:
  • MATH 2413 Calculus I 
  • MATH 2414 Calculus II
  • MATH 2301 Introductory Statistics I
  • MATH 2302 Introductory Statistics II
  • MATH 3301 Introduction to Probability
  • MATH 3310 Linear Algebra 

Other Required Courses

Students must complete one of the following courses:
  • MATH 2415 Calculus III
  • MATH 3320 Differential Equations
  • MATH 3301 Statistics
  • MATH 3360 Intermediate Analysis
 Students must complete one of the following courses:
  • MATH 4301 Stochastic Process
  • MATH 4310 Nonparametric Statistical Methods
  • MATH 4311 Applied Regression Analysis
  • MATH 4312 Multivariate Statistical Methods

Students must complete one more upper level math class for a total of three semester credit hours.

To declare a Minor in Statistics, obtain advice, or seek approval of substitutions for course requirements, students should consult their academic advisor.