Alternative Teacher Certification for Post Baccalaureate
Falcon Fast Track is an accelerated program designed for those who have previously earned a Bachelor’s degree, and now seek an alternative route to become a certified teacher. Fast Track participants may keep their current employment while completing the preparation to obtain certification as a Texas teacher.
Falcon Fast Track participants may pursue certification only (non-degree), or they may choose to also pursue a Master’s degree while obtaining their certification.
Eligibility & Admission
Eligibility for Regular Admission:
- Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution of higher education
- GPA of at least 2.50 overall or in the last 60 credit hours of your bachelor’s degree
- Passing score on the PACT exam (or TExES test passed under a previous certification program) for the content area you want to teach, maybe waived. Completed at least 12 semester credit hours in the teaching content area of the certificate the applicant is seeking (15 hours if seeking to certify in math or science). An applicant who does not meet the 2.50 GPA requirement or who has not completed a minimum of 12 or 15 semester credit hours in the teaching content are must provide a passing score on the TExES PACT in the content area to be considered for admission. A passing score on a TExES test in the content area taken while enrolled in another EPP will also be acceptable.
- TSI status complete (exempt by bachelor's degree);
- Evidence of English language proficiency (met by U.S. bachelor’s degree or higher);
- Essay of 1-2 pages addressing why you want to be a teacher and the characteristics and experiences that make you a good candidate for the Fast Track program.
Eligibility for Contingency Admission:
- Currently enrolled and expect to obtain a bachelor's degree at the end of the semester in which admission is sought;
- All other requirements for regular admission have been met.
- A contingency admission is valid only for the semester that it was granted, and it may not be extended for another semester if the degree is not conferred.
Eligibility for Admission for Persons with Out-of-Country Degrees:
If your degree was earned from an institution from outside the United States, there are additional requirements for admission that must be met:
- An evaluation of your transcripts must be prepared by a foreign credential evaluation service, such as Foreign Credentials Service of America or other similar service, verifying that you hold the equivalent of a bachelor's degree;
- Documentation of English language proficiency by one of the following:
- Completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree at an institution of higher education in the United States, not including US territories;
- Completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree at an institution of higher education outside the United States in a country approved by the State Board for Educator Certification;
- Verification of minimum scaled scores on the TOEFL-iBT. Current requirements are Speaking 24, Listening 22, Reading 22, Writing 21.
Fast Track Certification Areas
Fast Track Information
Dismissal Policy
This policy is specific to the EPP’s programs for initial and advanced educator certification in Texas, and does not replace any broader university and graduate school retention/dismissal policies.
Dismissal Policy