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Psychology Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology

Psychology is the science of behavior and mental processing. Psychology majors gain fundamental knowledge of the major concepts, theories, and empirical findings that apply to psychological phenomena, the skills of critical thinking and the effective analysis and interpretation of data, development and application of ethical standards in research and socially responsible behavior, effective communication both in writing and interpersonally; and the knowledge and skills of psychology to facilitate personal and collaborative growth.

Careers for B.A. in Psychology Majors:

A degree in Psychology will set you on the path for a wide variety of careers, including:
  • Counseling Psychologist
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
  • Psychology Teacher
  • School Psychologist
  • Data Scientist
  • Compliance Manager
  • Substance Abuse Counselor
  • Researcher
  • Sports Psychologist

Degree Requirements

  • The minimum total credits required for a B.A. in Psychology is 120.
  • At least 48 semester credit hours must be upper-level courses.
  • All required and elective courses must be completed with a grade of “C“ or better and a GPA of 2.0 or better.

Bachelor of Art in Psychology Requirements

  • 36 semester credit hours of Psychology courses are required.
  • Students must complete PSYC 1301, PSYC 3301, PSYC 3304/3104, and PSYC 4393
  • Students are required to take a least one course in five of the following six pairs: 
    • Principles of Learning(PSYC 3403) and/or Cognitive Psychology (PSYC 4311) 
    • Social Psychology (PSYC 3311) and/or Industrial/Organizational Psychology (PSYC 4306) 
    • Abnormal Psychology (PSYC 3321) and/or Tests and Measurements (PSYC 4351) 
    • Child/Adolescent Psychology (PSYC 3341) or Lifespan Development (PSYC 3344) 
    • History and Systems of Psychology (PSYC 4302) and/or Theories of Personality (PSYC 3322) 
    • Physiological Psychology (PSYC 4304) and/or Sensation and Perception (PSYC 4312) 

BA Degree Plan